Echuca Community for the Aged

About Us

Leaders in Aged Care

Our Mission

To provide and maintain the highest possible standard of care for senior residents in our community.

Our Purpose

Supporting our senior community with affordable care options to live life to the fullest and as independently as possible.

Our Values


Integrity   Compassion   Accountability   Respect   Excellence

Integrity – We act with integrity, always. We are open, honest, ethical and fair, and committed to doing what is best for our residents and our staff.

Compassion – We are driven by a deep desire to help and serve those in need. Every day we are focused on enriching the lives of our residents through our care.

Accountability – We do what we say we are going to do. We deliver our very best and measure ourselves against the highest standards of integrity.

Respect – We believe everyone in our care is unique and worthy. We treat them with dignity in a safe and secure environment. We listen and show respect to our residents and to one another.

Excellence – We are leaders in aged care service provision and strive for excellence in all that we do. We focus on solutions and we arrive every day inspired to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our residents.

Our Story

Echuca Community for the Aged (ECA) was founded in 1878 as the Echuca Ladies Benevolent Society, and is one of our community’s oldest organisations.

The main function of the society at that time was to provide relief (in the form of food vouchers, clothing, boots and shelter) to people in hardship during the height of the river trade. Those in most need were women and children, who came to the area with their husbands and fathers in search of work. The men sometimes fell ill or found themselves stuck out on boats because of a low river, leaving their wives and children alone and in need of support.

Today, more than 140 years later, ECA continues to be a community-based, not-for-profit organisation that takes a genuine local approach to its provision of services.

It is owned and run by the community, overseen by an effective volunteer committee of management, and is sustained by the tireless efforts of its volunteers and staff.

We proudly acknowledge our founding legacy and long history of growth, which has led to our present day reputation as a local leader in aged care.

All these years later, our original charter remains unchanged. We are passionate about providing care and support to people in our community when they are at their most vulnerable. 

We value the senior members of our community deeply. They’ve contributed so much to our society over their lifetimes, and we owe it to them to acknowledge that, and to give back. For some, their senior years can feel like a time of loss – physically, mentally and emotionally. Their ability to live the quality of life they are used to, and so deserving of, is changing. And it’s our responsibility to support them through it; to change their experience of this season of life for the better.

At ECA, we are dedicated to enriching the lives of our residents – supporting them to continue living with independence, freedom and dignity. Our team is making a meaningful difference in people’s lives each and every day – and we are so proud of that.

Our Team


  • John Dean

Clinical Care Manager

  • Katie Dax

Finance Manager

  • Dee Ludlow

Committee of Management

  • Ian Maddison

  • John Carter

  • Marjorie Crowe

  • Sue Mulcahy

  • Shane Weller